One Crow is ill news Two Crows mirth Three Crows a wedding Four Crows a birth Five Crows for riches Six Crows a thief Seven Crows a journey Eight Crows for grief Nine Crows a secret Ten Crows for sorrow Eleven Crows for true love Twelve's a new day tomorrow

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Kari's first jump

Kari's first jump
Originally uploaded by Boered.
whoo hoo! Get your butt in the air!

My namesake

Originally uploaded by Boered.
Finally I have a baby named after me! Took a while and much nagging but here she is. Little Kari

Saturday, July 08, 2006

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The old lady, who had been dong so much better lately - even getting out and gardening - fell down our front steps yesterday morning. Backwards. Onto her walking stick. Damnation.

Well it could have been worse - she did crack a vertebrae in her lower back probably right where she hit the walking stick. But she didn't break a hip, or shatter the vertebrae so badly she needs an operation.

However - this means a couple of months of pain. A couple of months of me doing more. And a couple of months of not going anywhere.

Oh well. Ken was out of vacation anyway. I will use my remaining days taking the old lady top the doctor and maybe just working around the house - which I admit is a big giagantic mess.

Crap though, you know? So rather than getting my hair cut this weekend and going down to Tangle wood to see the BSO - we're sitting home. I am going to clean and work in the garden. Oh and drink margaritas in the evening. What the hell!